Newsletter 24th May 2023
National Simultaneous Storytime 2023
The Speedy Sloth

From the Principal

It has been wonderful this past fortnight to have so many current and incoming families at our School. The Mother’s Day assembly, led by our Prep students, was a warming tribute to all the Mothers in our community. I would also like to extend my gratitude to the P&F for their organisation of the Mother’s Day stall. This provided our students with the opportunity to think about their mums and acknowledge them with a small gift. In the words of Mother Teresa, “That special power of loving that belongs to a woman is seen most clearly when she becomes a mother. Motherhood is the gift of God to women. How grateful we must be to God for this wonderful gift that brings such joy to the world, women and men alike!
This week we have also welcomed new “preppies” for 2024. We look forward to welcoming new families in the coming year.
I would also like to welcome Mrs Jacinta Jensen to St Monica’s. Jacinta joins us each Wednesday as our new school counsellor. Jacinta will become very familiar to all children as she works in our classrooms and playground.
Free Kindy
Tell us what you think about free kindy The Queensland Government is exploring making kindy free for all Queensland families! These changes will mean that every child will have the same opportunity for a free year of kindy the year before prep. Share your thoughts about free kindy. Have your say about how free kindy could help your family:
Take care,
Bridget Rillie
Parents/carers, Oakey Police have been receiving complaints in regards to poor road using habits of late. Complaints are mainly in regards to parking outside of the marked lines on the southern side of Lorrimer Street, speeding in the 40km/h zones, ignoring crossing supervisors directions, not using the supervised crossings and doing U-Turns in unsafe places. In regards to not using the crossings, I do understand that parents are walking their children across the road, you are providing safety for your children. However, we should be educating the children that crossings are the safest method for crossing the roads at any time. Therefore, take a bit of extra time and distance and walk with the children across the crossing so they understand what the crossings are there for.
In regards to speeding and other related traffic offences, big fines and loss of demerit points exist. These are offences where Police do not usually give warnings for so expect a ticket if you are doing this. Remember a lot of us are driving large vehicles and small kids can be hard to see.
To put things into perspective, if you commit a traffic offence and no-one sees you, nothing happens to you. If Police see you, you will probably get a ticket. If you run over a child, you will most likely find yourself in jail!
Please be safe and drive carefully and considerately. More importantly, please set a good example for your children.
Oakey Police Station

From the APRE

National Simultaneous Storytime
Today, all students participated in the National Simultaneous Storytime. This year’s book was ‘The Speedy Sloth’ by Rebecca Young. It was a fabulous book that reminds us that ‘winning’ doesn’t always mean beating everyone else. Sometimes, it’s just the great feeling you get from setting yourself a challenge, conquering your fears, or simply trying something new – and loving it!

National Reconciliation Week
Beginning this Saturday the 27th of May, we recognise National Reconciliation Week. The theme for National Reconciliation Week 2023, Be a Voice for Generations, encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation in tangible ways in our everyday lives – where we live, work and socialise. It urges all Australians to use their power, their words and their actions to create a better, more just Australia for all of us. To recognise this important week, Years 4, 5 and 6 students will participate in Mass tomorrow, and Year 6 will lead a special prayer assembly next Friday the 2nd of June.

Confirmation at St Monica’s Parish
This Friday evening, the Most Reverend Robert McGuckin, Bishop of Toowoomba, will be performing the Rite of Confirmation for candidates participating in Sacramental Program this year. We pray for them and ask God to bless them as they celebrate this significant milestone.

The season of Easter concludes this Sunday, the 28th of May with the feast of Pentecost. On Pentecost we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the apostles as they begin to continue Jesus’ work across the world. This event marks the beginning of the Church. Pentecost, reminds us about the integral connection between the gifts of peace and forgiveness and the action of the Holy Spirit. Linking with our school motto “Go and do likewise”, Pentecost also prompts us to be people of action in the way we love, care and support one another at home, at school, and in the wider community.
Pyjama Day - St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal
As part of their social justice work, Year 6 students in the Good Samaritan Group are holding a special ‘Wear Your Winter PJs to School Day’ next Thursday, the 1st of June, to mark the start of winter and to raise money and collect donations for the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. The Winter Vinnies Appeal aims to provide emergency relief to people at risk and experiencing homelessness. We ask that students bring along either a gold coin donation, or a donation of new socks, gloves, beanies, scarves, blankets or non-perishable foods.

From the Classrooms
Wow! We have reached the halfway point in our term, time flies when you are having fun.
This fortnight we have been very busy completing our Semester 1 assessments. We have all worked very hard and have shown so much persistence with each and every task. Well done, Preppies!
Moving forward this term, in English we will continue to focus on letter names, their most common sound and a word that begins with a given letter. We will also continue to work on our decoding skills as this will enable us to become better readers and writers.
The upcoming focus in Math's will exploring length, mass and capacity combined with number recognition and formation.
Wishing you all a wonderful fortnight ahead!
Year 1
This fortnight in the Year One classroom, we started our procedural text unit in English. The students have followed instructions to create a past man, and are now working together to write a procedure for washing our hands. We are learning about the structure of a procedure so the students can write their own procedures in the coming weeks. In Maths, we have shifted our focus from 3D shape to measurement using informal units. This week the students have enjoyed using classroom materials to measure objects around the room.
Year 2
This fortnight, Year Two have been learning the link between fractions and telling the time. We first revised that fractions are equal parts of a whole and explored breaking shapes and groups of items into equal groups including halves, quarters and eighths. Students were able to transfer this knowledge when working with clocks, where they split the clock face into 4 quarters. This proved valuable when learning how to tell the time to the quarter hour. It was great to see the persistence shown by all students when exploring this tricky concept.
Year 3
Students have designed and created their own catapult as part of their design technology unit. They have changed the variables to determine the effectiveness of their design and how to improve it. Students have made observations, measured, and recorded as part of the consolidation for Mathematics. Students have been applying the strategies of identifying the main idea and chunking words, using syllables, and identifying compound words when reading. During Religion students have identified significant people, events and features of a parish and investigated past and present, including the collaboration with Father Mick.
Year 4/5 AQ
Wow I cant believe we are in Week 6 already!
In 4/5 AQ we have been researching animals from our animal adaption unit and creating information reports with labelled diagrams detailing their adaptions.
We have Simultaneous Story Time on Wednesday this week and will be attending Mass on Thursday for National Sorry Day.
A reminder as the term progresses and the weather becomes cooler, to please ensure your children are wearing the appropriate school uniform and all of their belongings are properly labelled.
A reminder that many students have not returned Library Bags since last term. Library borrowing day is on Wednesday and completed homework is due on Friday too.
Have a great week! God Bless.
Year 4/5 B
Welcome to Week 6! Thank you to the Year 5 parents who have already returned their 5/6 camp raffle tickets. If you require more tickets, these are available at the office. Remember, all money raised comes straight off your child's camp cost. Just a reminder our library borrowing day is Wednesday - it would be great to see all students borrowing each week.
In Science, we have been looking at the ways animals and plants adapt to survive in their environment, while in HASS, we have investigated the immense impact of bushfires. Today, we were fortunate to have Dr Judy Hartnett in our classroom conducting a Maths lesson on fractions. It was great to see everyone so engaged.
Have a great week!
Year 4/5 M
Week 6 is here already! We are halfway through the term, and things don't look like slowing down any time soon! This week we have Simultaneous Story Time on Wednesday and 4/5/6 Mass on Thursday. Please come along and see the amazing Pentecost assembly that we will be presenting on Friday at Assembly. We are starting to get into the cooler part of the year, so would you please ensure that all clothing items are clearly labelled. Mrs Tindall has also asked to remind students to bring their library bags on a Monday for borrowing. Please also ensure that homework is completed and returned on a Friday. For the next couple of weeks we will be completing assessments for report cards so early nights and plenty of healthy brain food for all!
Have a great week!
Year 6
Next week the Year 6 students will be presenting a liturgy for Reconciliation Week as part of assembly. All parents are invited to attend.
During last weeks assembly, the Stewards of Creation announced the 2023 Wonder Recycling Rewards Program which is running until the 7th of July. This year we are running a competition to award the students from each class that collect the most number of bread bags. Each class teacher will be keeping a tally of individual bag collections. Students are pleased asked to take them to their own classroom first to be marked off before dropping them into the collection boxes. Happy collecting!
From the Library

From Music and Lote
Only a month to go until our Choir performs at the Dalby Eisteddfod on Wednesday 14th June. Thanks for returning permission notes so promptly.
Some classes enjoyed listening to Pig The Tourist by Aaron Blabey during Indonesian lessons recently. This humourous story featuring Pig the Pug is an example of the possible repercussions when another’s culture and etiquette are disrespected/disregarded.
During Music classes, Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 students have been attempting some simple compositions with pleasing results. They have turned the written word into basic melodies using tuned percussion instruments.
Mini Monnie's Playgroup

Be Well at St Monica's

Getting Along
Another of the keys to success in the You Can Do It! Program is ‘Getting Along’. This is a very important skill for children (and adults) to develop, as they strive to engage in positive relationships with others, something they will need to be able to do throughout their lifetime. The younger students are introduced to Gabby and Gary Get Along who help them to understand what it means to get along with others and why it is so important. Students learn about the values of respect, honesty and kindness and how to recognise examples of behaviours that reflect each of the values. They are also asked to identify the values they already demonstrate as well as those which could be stronger.

The older students learn how Thinking First, Accepting Everyone and Following Rules are ways of thinking that help them to get along with others.
How can you help your children get along with others?
- Teach your children active listening and polite communication
- Encourage empathy
- Teach self-control and conflict resolution
- Encourage co-operative social situations
- Model positive relationship behaviours such as respect, empathy and honesty

In the words of Gabby Get Along,
“The world’s a happy place when we all care!”

Research has shown that one of the real advantages of an education at a Catholic School is that a special and unique pride is developed. One significant way to foster such pride is the enforcement of strict uniform guidelines. All children are expected to wear the school uniform as listed below:
School Uniform - Years 1 to 6
Girls – Formal - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
- St Monica’s School Dress Uniform
- Dress: Pattern, Sutton no 346(B)
- Dress: Fabric, Check 8021
- Collar: Cesarella 1301, Zip: Birch 265 Bottle Green
- St Monica’s School green school hat
- Short white socks – (no ankle socks)
- All black shoes – may be leather or jogger.
Girls – Sports - Wednesday and Friday
- St Monica’s School Sports Shirt Yr.1 to Yr.5
- St Monica’s School Leader Shirt Year 6
- St Monica’s School Navy Blue Skort
- St Monica’s School green school hat
- Short white socks
- White sandshoes/joggers
Winter Variation
- As Above
- St Monica’s School Bottle Green Fleecy Pullover with embroidered crest
- Green fleecy track pants with sports uniform only.
- Navy Blue Tights (optional)
- School track top with embroidered crest (optional)

Boys – Formal - Monday, Tuesday & Thursday
- St Monica’s School Dress Shirt with tartan collar
- Shirt: Pattern, Simplicity 5581
- Fabric: Bottle Green Poplin 8021
- Shorts: Navy Blue Long Shorts (Ruggers)
- St Monica’s School green school hat (Slouch hat style)
- Short navy-blue socks – (no ankle socks)
- All black shoes – May be leather or jogger.
Boys – Sports - Wednesday & Friday
- St Monica’s School Sports Shirt Yr. 1 to Yr. 5
- St Monica’s School Leader Shirt Year 6
- St Monica’s School Navy Blue Shorts (Stubbies)
- St Monica’s School Green School Hat
- Short white socks
- White sandshoes/joggers
Winter Variation
As Above
- St Monica’s school Bottle Green Fleecy pullover with embroidered crest
- Green fleecy track pants with sports uniform only.
- Long navy-blue pants - Ruggers – Formal uniform (optional)
- School Track top with embroidered crest (optional)
The uniform including the special school hat is available locally at Oakey Craft and Saddlery. If you are buying parts of the uniform elsewhere, please check that you are buying the correct style, colour, and material. It is expected that the correct and clean school uniform will be worn at all times. A school uniform can help instil in the students a sense of pride and identity. It also signifies unity and equality.
Prep students wear the sports uniform 5 days per week – Monday to Friday
All Students
Hair: Collar length hair or longer must be tied back with a green band or green ribbon. Natural hair colour is expected. Rat’s tails and tracks are not permitted.
Earrings: Girls: Sleepers and plain studs are the only acceptable earrings.
Boys: No earrings.
Other: Clearly mark all clothing with your child’s name.
NB: The school fleecy pullover must be worn first. The spray jacket may only be worn over the top of the pullover.
From the P&F
P & F Meetings
The next P & F meeting will be the 1st June 2023, at 7-8.30pm in the school library. As always a warm welcome is extended to all of our school community who wish to join.
The P & F is happy to announce Kylie McCormack was voted in at the last meeting as our new Tuckshop Convenor- welcome Kylie! Kylie is a parent at St Monica’s and a busy mum. She is looking forward to the convenor role and welcomes any feedback suggestions or help for the tuckshop. Please reach out to Kylie through the main office or on the following email address,
The P & F would like to thank the following volunteers for their time in the tuckshop
- Week 6 - Olesia Bach & Kim Beitzel
- Week 7 - Alice Edwards & Amy Phillips
2023 St Monica’s P&F Race Day
As mentioned in the last newsletter, it is with great excitement that we can announce further details to our school community about the 2023 St Monica’s P&F Race Day. The committee welcomes any sponsorship enquiries at this stage, Meg 0423690197 or email
- Race Day Event Saturday 7th October 4-11pm, Clifford Park Race Course Twmba
- General ticket sales will open second week of Term 3
- Tickets sales will be advertised to the St Monica’s Community first
- Limited tickets available
- More info to follow
- Please see the Save the Date Poster below

Clothing Pool
Please send Tricia Brownsey a text on 0408 675 945 and she will be able to let you know if what you require is available. Tricia is also happ to package up orders and leave them in the school office.
Please only text Tricia, as she has work commitments.
Outside School Hours Care